Slot Car Business Since 1994

Hello, and welcome to my web-site. If you don’t know me already PR has been in the Slot Car business since 1994. I started off by bringing Wing Car Racers the same quality and performance that the factory Pro’s and high-end racers I was building for demanded. After a short time I expanded into armature “reconditioning”, cobalt & ceramic magnet zapping. I purchased new equipment with state-of-the-art technology and set the new standard in the armature reconditioning business. I upgraded to the newest electronic balancing equipment from the same high end manufacturer in the balancing world. This new balancing technology clearly makes the job of correcting the imbalance easier to reach lower imbalance levels giving you an even better result than before on a consistent basis.
I have stack grinding equipment and electronic tools for testing and measuring motor components. I had been Blue-Printing C-Can and D-Can products for Track owners and Distributors for many years. I have done it all. Since starting in 1994 there have been many others come and go. Even now I continue to give the best service and the “Best Balance” that is available anywhere. “If I can’t improve on the armature balance, then there is no charge for that work”. If you need technical help you are welcome to call and get straight answers.
There is a “Shopping Cart” so you can buy directly from me if you can’t find or get our products locally. I’ve expanded what is offered to other company’s products. Track Owners are welcome to call and start an account.